LESCO Bill Check Online

Welcome to lescobill.pk. Here, you can check lesco bill by Reference Number or Customer ID. You can view bill amount, due date, and check payment status that either your bill is paid or not. Please enter your reference number or customer id below to check latest lesco bill:

Check bill by Reference Number


Check bill by Customer ID


-- New LESCO bills for due date up to February-22-2025 are available to download

LESCOBILL.PK is the simplest website where you can check lesco bill online for residential, commercial or industrial connection. It works fine on all devices (mobile/desktop/tablet). You can search your bill information for February 2025 by entering reference number and then download bill in PDF format or print a copy for free.

lesco online bill


LESCO stands for "Lahore Electric Supply Company". LESCO started its services from 1998. LESCO is responsible to supply and manage electricity service to the districts of Lahore, Sheikhupura, Okara and Kasur. Lesco head quarter address:
LESCO Headquarter, 22/A Queen's Road, Lahore. [Open in Google Maps]

Here is list of lesco circles:

LESCO Operation Circles
1.North Lahore Circle5 Divisions / 28 Sub Divisions
2.Central Lahore Circle5 Divisions / 31 Sub Divisions
3.Eastern Lahore Circle4 Divisions / 23 Sub Divisions
4.Okara Circle4 Divisions / 23 Sub Divisions
5.South-Eastern LHR Circle4 Divisions /26 Sub Divisions
6.Sheikhupura Circle4 Divisions / 18 Sub Divisions
7.Kasur Circle5 Divisions / 30 Sub Divisions
8.Nankana Circle4 Divisions / 16 Sub Divisions

How to check LESCO Online Bill?

Obviously you need to enter reference number or customer id to check lesco online bill. We have made it easy to enter reference number where you just need to type the number and our system will itself handle the input field focus. On other websites, it is a little disturbing when you have to manually set focus to second and third input field, but lescobill.pk has made it easier to input reference number by handling input focus itself. So, lescobill.pk has provided the easiest way to check bills (bill check karne ka asan tarika)!

Here at lescobill.pk, it is quite easy to view, print and download lesco duplicate bill, and then download or print the duplicate bill copy for free. This online bill can be used to deposit bill amount in any bank. Lescobill.pk is easy to use as compared to www lesco gov pk as you can save your reference numbers and then load your bill with single click any time.

Lescobill.pk keeps saving your monthly bills if you check regularly. So if you are looking for your old bill for the month of January 2025, you can see it here (if you had checked your bill last month using lescobill.pk). You can also subscribe to bill email service and you will automatically receive your new bill for March 2025 via email.

You can even subscribe to monthly email service to get new bill in your inbox every month.

If you want to calculate estimate bill amount, you can use the lesco bill calculator.

How to find Reference Number or Customer ID?

If you don't know how to find reference number or customer id, then don't worry. Just pick an old bill copy and compare with the picture below. It is located in top left corner of your bill, right below "TARIFF". Please see the red highlighted areas in the picture and you will quickly find the reference number:

lesco bill reference

No need to get both (reference number and customer id), only one value is enough to get your duplicate lesco wapda bill.

Some people also call reference number as consumer number, and customer id as consumer id, but technically there is no consumer number or id on lesco electricity bill. So you can consider consumer number/id or reference number/id the same.

Steps to check LESCO bill online:

  • Visit lescobill.pk website.
  • Enter bill reference number, or customer id (only one required, not both) and click on 'Check Bill' button.
  • In the next screen, you will see your bill amount, due date, issue date etc.
  • If you want to see full bill, click on 'View Complete Bill' button.
  • In full bill view, you can print or download your lesco utility bill.

You can also check lesco bills by using mobile app. There is an official app by LESCO and also some other apps where you can check lesco wapda bill

Lesco Bill AppLesco Light App

LESCO Helpline

In case of any complains, or questions you can contact LESCO Headquarters by calling customer services number: 111-000-118. If the line goes busy continuously, it doesn't mean that the receiver removed from the line and there is no one to respond, but that means a huge number of consumers are trying to reach, therefore, it may take a while for you to get connected.

If you have issues in your bill, like "bill blocked", or you are looking for bill correction, you can visit Customer Services Center in your local area, or call LESCO Headquarter (111-000-118). Please visit the nearest office for new connection / registration.

Understanding LESCO Bill

Let's go through the important fields on LESCO wapda bill. Many people ask questions about bill fields like FPA, CR, bill relief etc. so we have explained most of them below:

CR Meaning: CR is credit bill amount. It is the balance amount which may show on your bill if you paid your last bill more than the actual bill amount. This amount will deduct from your next bill(s) as it is sort of payment made in advance. For example you have CR = -500, your next bill amount becomes 2000, then the 500 will deduct from 2000, and you will have to pay only 1500.

Deferred Bill: If you see 'Bill Deferred' on your lesco electricity bill, this means that you have choice to either pay your full bill amount or postpone your bill, and your current bill amount will divide into installments and added to the next bills, and there will be no late payment surcharge.

PM Relief: During the Coronavirus Pendamic, the Government has given relief to lesco and all other electric supply companies where domestic consumers that consume less than 300 units are free to either pay their bill or not, and if they don't pay, it will divide into installments and added to next bills without any extra charges. With the PM Relief package, even the commercial consumers have been given subsidy on their electricity bills.

Taxes in LESCO:

FC Surcharge: Financing Cost (FC-SUR) surcharge was started on 10th June 2015. This surcharge applies to consumed units to ensure collection of debt servicing of the Power Holding Private Limited. FC surcharge cost is calculated as 0.43 per unit.

GST: GST is General Sales Tax which applies to the electricity cost. Currently the GST ratio is 17%.

Arrears/Age in Lesco Bill: Arrears is the remaining amount or the amount that was not paid in the last bill. You may see this field if you have converted your bill to installments, or you paid partial bill amount.

Lesco TR Surcharge: It is the Tariff Rationalization Surcharge. The TR Surcharge is something related to NEPRA and GOP tariff. NEPRA will determine tariff and Government notify a uniform tariff for all Distribution Companies. TR is the difference of NEPRA and GOP tariff. If difference is positive, it will be payable by GOP as "Subsidy". However in case of negative difference, the Distribution Company will pay to GOP as "Inter DISCO Tariff Rationalization Surcharge ( IDTR SUR )".


What is FPA in LESCO Lahore Bill?

Fuel Price Adjustment (FPA) is a system to adjust electricity fees based on fuel price fluctuation. The FPA price belongs to the fuel pricing of rental power companies that generate electricity from Crude Oil etc.

How can I check LESCO Wapda Bill status that either my bill was paid or not?

Just enter your reference number or customer id above, in the next page scroll down and see the payment status.

Is it possible to find lesco electricity bill by name, address or ID card number (NIC)?

Sorry, you can not find it by name or id card number but by reference number or customer ID.

How to change name on lesco electric bill?

The process to change of name is same like new connection process. You can visit LESCO office and get the form to apply for name change.

Can we check bill by meter number?

No, currently you can't check lesco electricity bill by meter number.

Can I pay bill in installments?

Looking for bill installments? Here is the process:

  • Your current bill is not applicable for installments, however if you have pending dues (arrears) in your bill, you can avail installments for that amount where you will also have to pay interest as per bank rates.
  • In case of general connections for arrears up to Rs. 2,000 you can reach SDO who can allow up to three equal monthly installments.
  • In case your arrears are near Rs. 10,000, then XEN is the person who can get you (up to) three equal monthly installments.
  • And finally, if arrears amount is close to Rs. 100,000, then SE is competent for up to four equal monthly installments.

If you think your meter reading is not correct, you can visit the nearest customer services center for bill correction.

For more questions, feel free to contact us. If you live in Peshawar, you can check pesco online bill. Hyderabad citizens can check their bill at hescobill.com.